What has Jesus been doing in you over the last year? How has He been shaping you and refining you? Have you been a catalyst for Him, or have you been resisting change?

At the beginning of the year, God gave me a word, “Fan into flame.” I know God has given me a gift to declare His truth to the world. To call others to rise to the potential they were created for. He wanted me to use those gifts to declare that to others.

How have I done at that? There have been measures of success and areas of growth. I have seen Jesus slowly refining me. I have always been a bit of a slow learner. But slow learning is learning that lasts. I am learning to live by faith more now than last year. I am learning to set aside my fears of man, self, and situations and trust the leading of the Holy Spirit.

This Sunday at Cross Connection Church, we will be talking about how God has used us over this last year. As we have set aside our passions, comforts, and safety nets, how has Jesus been faithful? Join us this Boxing Day as we come together to worship the Father and declare His faithfulness in our lives.

There will be space in the service to come and declare what God has done through your life this year.